Just a picture

I wrote up a script yesterday to grab the most recent file from the super awesome toshiba flashair wifi sd card . I had suggested the card to someone in the hackerspace, he planned on using it to help align a camera trap (not that model, but you get the idea).

Once you put the trap up a tree, it is a real hassle to figure out if it is really pointing the way you want it to. So use the wifi sd card to grab the latest image and confirm it is.

After writing the script I tried for a while to get my laptop connected, but it seems that the camera trap doesn't keep the card powered on for nearly long enough. I might be able to get it to work if I can get my laptop to over overzealous in connecting to the wifi.

It is Sunday, so that makes seven days of writing .

Reading: Cibola Burn, Excession Location: 57.155,-2.210

Apparently there isn't a simple API to turn a lat/lon into the weather. I have no idea why web services all seem to insist on having an API key for all requests. It is just annoying.