Some Links About Thinking and Thinking About Work

The irony of writing a links post containing a bunch of links about productivity as a form of procrastination isn't lost on me.

part of the process means doing sub-par work to get to the good work

There are a couple of themes in here, I have been writing a lot recently and especially this year. I feel like I am starting to come across advice that makes sense to me, if you want to do things you need to well, do things. There is no substitute for practice.

While I am not going to write daily posts again, I miss the format I used before. I will look at resurrecting the tools I used to generate the daily posts before, maybe a weekly update post would be nice to do.

I plan to return to 'Work with the Garage Door Up', but I have also adopted a policy of not talking about work in progress, so you will have to wait and see.