EMF Camp 2018

EMF Camp is a giant hacker camp that occurs in the deep South of England. It managed to attract nearly 2500 people into a field for four days at the end August.

EMF Camp 2018 was the first time I have volunteered to help with the organisation. I volunteered to help out the content team earlier in the year, it wasn't until the week before that we realised lightning talks needed more organisation. Foolishly I stepped up and got a weird split experience between attending the camp and running a tiny slice of it.

It wasn't sooooo awful, I'll probably do it again.

I attended EMF Camp 2014, since then they have really managed to integrate well with the village system used at other camps. The map shows all the spontaneous events that people put together during the camp, the adage 'it is what you make it' really comes out at these events with many participants helping to make it hole.

In our own way the Scottish Consulate contributed too, with our bureaucratic role playing game going beyond the pale and expanding into operation of a phone network (cups and string) and a Hard border from the rest of the camp.